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Matching Pioneer Valley Books Accessibility Features with Student Needs

What are some accessibility features of Pioneer Valley Books' materials?

At Pioneer Valley Books, we are dedicated to educational excellence. Our commitment extends to the creation of accessible materials that maximize usability for students with disabilities. Embracing a continuous improvement approach to accessibility, we remain steadfast in our dedication to constant learning and enhancement. Recognizing the ever-evolving landscape of accessibility opportunities and expectations, we actively engage in ongoing efforts to assess and elevate our educational tools and resources. This proactive approach ensures that we meet the evolving needs of both students and districts, maintaining a commitment to providing the most effective and inclusive educational experiences.


To best support students who need accessibility features and adapt the curriculum to students with cognitive disabilities, we recommend the following:

  • Understand Student Needs: Collect detailed information about the student’s abilities, challenges, and preferences. This may include Pioneer Valley Books assessments or other assessments provided by previous intervention strategies, and input from teachers and parents. If the student has an IEP or 504 plan, review it thoroughly to understand specific accommodations and goals.
  • Accessibility Options: Once you fully understand the student’s accessibility needs, look for the tools we have available through our curricula. For example, Pioneer Valley Books partners with the National Instructional Materials Access Center (NIMAC) to convert all of our titles into NIMAS format. The files are meant to be used to create formats such as braille, large print, DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System) text, DAISY audio, and other digital formats. Another helpful option is using the Digital Reader, a digital platform that provides a wide range of text for all reading abilities and can help teachers tailor a student’s literacy acquisition stage to appropriate text.
  • Differentiated Instruction: Implement differentiated instruction to address diverse learning needs within the same classroom. Pioneer Valley Books curricula provide varied materials, activities, and assessments to accommodate different learning styles and abilities. Within the curricula, Pioneer Valley Books offers suggestions for differentiation for use during lessons.
  • Multisensory Approach: Pioneer Valley Books integrates multisensory techniques into the curriculum. Use the suggested activities that engage multiple senses, such as our magnetic letters, sound box cards and other tactile materials, interactive games, and visual aids to reinforce reading concepts.
  • Modified Reading Materials: Our materials can be chosen or modified to match the student's literacy acquisition stage. Simplify language, reduce complexity, and use visuals to support understanding. We have visual supports like graphic organizers, charts, and diagrams to enhance comprehension included in our curricula.
  • Adapted instructional Strategies: Break down information into smaller, manageable chunks. This helps students process information more effectively. Repeat key information and reinforce concepts through repetition, review, and consistent practice.
  • Collaboration with Special Education Professionals: Work closely with special education teachers, speech therapists, and other specialists. Collaborate to develop and implement strategies that align with the student’s cognitive abilities.
  • Supportive Learning Environment: Create a supportive and inclusive learning environment. Foster a positive atmosphere where students feel comfortable asking questions, seeking clarification, and participating at their own pace.
  • Provide Clear instructions: Each curriculum comes with a Teacher’s Guide or handbook to support teachers in their understanding of the content and instruction. The lessons also provide teachers with clear and concise instructions. Tasks are broken into manageable steps including the use of manipulatives, visual cues, and strategic questioning to guide students through activities.
  • Professional Development: Ensure that educators receive ongoing professional development on effective strategies for teaching students with cognitive disabilities. This empowers them to continually refine their approach.
  • Advocate for inclusive Practices: Advocate for inclusive practices within the school community. Promote a culture that recognizes and values the diverse needs of all students. Our books have been created to include engaging storylines with diverse characters to promote inclusivity.


Remember that each student is unique, so adaptation strategies should be tailored to the individual’s specific cognitive profile. Regular communication with all stakeholders is essential to ensure a collaborative and supportive approach to the student’s learning journey.